Cleachtadh 4: Súil siar ar laethanta saoire agus taisteal

Bain triail as an ngníomhaíocht seo anois go bhfeice tú an bhfuil na frásaí is tábhachtaí a bhaineann le laethanta saoire agus taisteal ar eolas agat. Cliceáil ar an íocón roimh gach abairt le feiceáil an bhfuil do fhreagra ceart.
Conas a déarfá na nithe seo i nGaeilge?

1. I love travelling.

2. I was in Italy, Germany, England and Scotland.

3. I’m going to Spain in July.

4. I’d like to go to Australia this year.

5. It was much too hot, unfortunately.

6. I was in Spain for a fortnight last year.

7. We rented an apartment.

8. We stayed on a camping site.

9. We spent a week skiing.

10. It was dry most of the time.

11. The weather was very hot.

12. It poured all the time.

13. The weather was very cold.

14. I really liked Hungary.

15. We spent a couple of days in the capital.

16. It was an excellent holiday!

17. I intend to go back there again this year.

18. I’d love to go to Thailand.

19. Myself, my husband and my children go on holidays in Ireland every summer.

20. I spent a few weeks travelling in Africa.

Cleachtadh 4: Súil siar ar laethanta saoire agus taisteal