Tips for those using the Easy Irish! language course

There is a total of six units in the course and each unit contains three dialogues. The script of the dialogues is given, with accompanying translation into English. The language contained in these dialogues is natural and authentic, and reflects everyday usage.

You will find four fun‑to-do activities in each unit which will help you understand, practise and produce the language yourself. Once you have completed an exercise, simply click on the ‘Seol’ (Send) button to get immediate feedback.

Here are some tips that will help you make the most of the Easy Irish! language course:

1.Don’t forget this important point: when listening to the dialogues, it’s not essential to understand everything you hear. It’s important to develop the skill of being able to get the gist of what is being said by understanding a word here and there.

2.Try studying Irish on a regular basis. It’s better to do twenty minutes or half an hour of work a few times a week, rather than trying to cover a lot of material in one sitting.

3.Once you’re familiar with the dialogues in each unit, try practising them with a family member or a friend.

4.Try a technique called shadow reading, using the dialogues contained in this course. Listen to the dialogues at first without looking at the script, then listen to them with the script in front of you. After a while, when you’ve become familiar with them, listen, read and speak at the same time as the speakers on the recording. Don’t stop the recording as you do this. This exercise will help you learn the sounds of Irish and the rhythm of the language.

5.Don’t be afraid to try out your Irish. It’s important to listen to the language and to read it but you won’t make proper progress until you’re willing to try speaking the language with other people. Remember this: It’s usually those who are not afraid to make errors, the so‑called risk‑takers, who learn languages the fastest!

Tips for those using the Easy Irish! language course